Jake's House family members are committed to love as Jesus loved and walk as Jesus walked. We are a church hungry for the purpose, power, and presence of God. Eph. 1:17-20
• His purpose For us to be Jesus in the earth.
• His power For us to bring healing in our families, region and nations.
• His presence For us to be marked as the Glorious Church.
We believe Jesus isn't simply an historical figure or a great teacher - He is the hope of the world!
Jesus valued people - and so do we!
Jesus welcomed sinners - and so do we!
Jesus opened his arms to skeptics - and so do we!
We believe it's okay to not be okay, to not have your act together or to be struggling - Just come as you are! No matter where you are in your walk or spiritual journey, you are welcome at Jake's House.
Here are the "Seven Pillars" or foundations that we form the basis of our beliefs: (Proverbs 9:1)
• Prayer - Isaiah 56:7 & II Chron. 7:14-16 “Prayer is the engine”
• Family Worship -Duet.6:7 & Acts 2:42-47 “Family is the top priority”
• Bible Based -II Tim.3:16 & II Pet.1:20 “The Bible is our standard"
• Kingdom Living -Matt.5-7 & Col.2:6 “Living like Jesus is our goal”
• Church Unity -Ps.133 & John 17:21 “Supporting other ministries”
• Relationships -Heb.13:7-8 & I Cor.15:33-34 “A need for others”
• Spirit Empowered -Rom.8:14 & I Cor.2:4-5 “The Spirit leading us”